Sunday 13 January 2013

I had a trip to Autun this weekend. We had a few things to do and for me it was good to look through the windows of my favourite shop here. Luckily it was shut. Otherwise I would surely have wanted something. I am looking for drawers for clothes. I keep buying jumpers in the 2nd hand shops. The bedroom already has a huge old 'Armoire' . We also have a huge 'Armoire ' in the kitchen and others on the farm too. I discovered a new broc shop and the other place I like Morvan Bio is moving in spring right nextdoor. We have to go next week too, we shall be at there for market day. Great for buying olives and herb plants like Wormwood for Absinthe or I bought a Horseradish, only place I found it here in France. I haven't even seen it in the countryside.

I fell for this cupboard, I'm not sure how useful it would be but it  quite old and it was 160  euros. Seems cheap for something old like this. I bought a post card and a little picture, hand tinted from the 1 euro box. I think I shall start to collect cards of the area. It sort of links in to my interest in painting landscape, describing it as I see it. I can't quite believe anyone came out here to take pictures of these rural villages, it can seem cut off even now. Presumably the railway helped.

Lots of old clocks like this around, many made locally.

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